The color wheel is the basic tool for combining colors. First created by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, today the most common version is a wheel of 12 colors based on the RYB (red, yellow, and blue) color model. These are the Primary Colors (red, yellow, and blue). Primary Colors are colors from which all other colors are derived. The next […]
Font Psychology 101
How important are font choices are in developing your brand identity? Very! Read Font Psychology 101 to learn why.
Font Styles in History and Design
A review of font in design throughout history.
The Complete Guide to a More Productive You
Learn tips, hear advice, take action steps, and watch videos to become more productive.
7 Time-Management Tips for a More Productive You
Setting Small Business Goals in 2016
10 Reasons to Give Thanks for Google Plus
Here are 10 reasons why Google Plus rocks.
Top 6 Reasons To Say “No” To Wix
Is Wix really too good to be true? Yes. Here’s 6 reasons why you should avoid Wix.
7 Common Attributes of Viral Content
Follow these 7 common practices and make your next post go viral.
#Hashtagology 101 for Business
Key hashtag strategies and how your business should be using them for strategic marketing on social sites.
10 Reasons to Support Local Business
Consumers should be shopping local for a whole list of reasons. Here are ten reasons to ditch the big box chain and stop at the mom and pop shop.
5 Start-Up Strategy Tips for the Incredible Mompreneur
Become a Mompreneur by following these strategic tips for start-ups.
5 Social Media Marketing Tips for the Incredible Mompreneur
Grow your business through social media marketing.
5 Time-Management Tips for the Incredible Mompreneur
Time-management is key if you want to be a productive Mompreneur each day.
5 Work/Life Balance Tips for the Incredible Mompreneur
Having a healthy work/life balance is key for every Mompreneur.
Calls in the Attic
How I accidentally became a Mompreneur
Introducing ESD Technical Support
The best way to protect your website is a proactive approach to security and maintenance.
The Psychology of Color
Color Preferences by Gender
Great infographic from KISSmetrics explaining the important role color plays when designing for different genders. Business owners need to take into consideration who their target audience is when developing the colors they will use for their brand. Men and women appreciate colors differently. Understanding those differences, and designing for the target audience in mind, will lead […]
The Color Wheel
The color wheel is the basic tool for combining colors. First created by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, today the most common version is a wheel of 12 colors based on the RYB (red, yellow, and blue) color model. These are the Primary Colors (red, yellow, and blue). Primary Colors are colors from which all other colors are derived. The next […]
Sweet! 16 Tips to Marketing Madness