At Erin Sweeney Design, I work closely with small business owners to build a website that both reflects their branding and promotes their business, as well as one that is easy to manage. At the completion of a website project, I offer a one-hour consultation to train the Client on how to work inside of WordPress, update their website, post blogs, and update media. WordPress is the only platform I use for a number of reasons. WordPress is user friendly, offers an unlimited number of plugins, is easy to manage, offers thousands of beautiful themes to choose from, and is search-engine friendly.
I categorize website projects into 3 groupings: Brochure, Portfolio, and Online Shops. You can view all of my websites by clicking on the images below.

A Pup’s Delight
Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Academy for Healthcare Training
Easton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Adam Graphic
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Adaptive Design for Living, LLC
Norwell, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Artcraft Company
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
The Aesthetic Authority
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
B&M School Catering
Pawtucket, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Dr. Martha Barry
Portland, ME
Erin Sweeney Design
bath junkie
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
BeBibs, Inc.
Easton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Bella Vida Costa Rica Retreat Center
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Bethesda House
Pembroke, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Deb Bettencourt Photography
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Bourne Braves: Cape Cod League West Division
Bourne, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Brennan’s Auto Service
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Caira’s Beauty
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
William Callahan Real Estate
Brockton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Canine Presence
Norton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Ruth Cardello
North Smithfield, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Janine Cavanaugh, Certified Professional Organizer
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Cavegirl Coffeehouse
Denver, CO
Erin Sweeney Design
Celebrations by Jeannine
Plymouth, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Columbia Housing Center
Columbia, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
Conscience and Courage: Author Website
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Creative Exteriors Landscaping
Baltimore, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
Cucina 38
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Custom Fit Training
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Daniel DiPalma Photography
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Law Offices of John C. Dorn
Cape Cod, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
D’s Lectables
Seekonk, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Executive Perspectives
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Fit To Be Personal Training
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Foxboro Executive Suites
Foxboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Fun Enterprises Inc.
Stoughton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Gilrace Masonry
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Go Simple
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Green Lawns
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Harbour Direct Primary Care
Jamestown, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Dr. Charles Hogan
Needham, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Home Party Solutions
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Hydrangea Family Medicine
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
ICE Auction Online
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Infinity Family Care
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Jeanie Communications
Hanson, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Jeff Davis Public Relations
Baltimore, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
Jivas Konos Desserts
Attleboro, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
John J. Murphy Jr. Electrical Construction & Engineering Inc.
Rockland, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Jonathan Bacon Design
Easton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
KEG Property Maintenance
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Kirley Masonry & Stove
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Lapointe for North
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Larkin Real Estate
Medfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Law Office of Theodore J. Koban
Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Life Asset Insights
Atlanta, GA
Erin Sweeney Design
Little Seeds
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Live by Design
Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Local Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
M.A. Guglielmo
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Marion Manufacturing Company
Providence, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Medfield TV
Medfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
MTG Electronics
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Mulkern Mechanical
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Murf’s Code Classes
Rockland, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
ND Vending
Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Erin Sweeney Design
New-Gen Energy Partners
Denver, CO
Erin Sweeney Design
North Attleboro High School Girls Basketball
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
North Attleboro Youth Basketball
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
North East Weathered Services
Norton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
NVision Athletics
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Ocean State Labradoodles
Rhode Island
Erin Sweeney Design
O’Connor and Ryan, PC
Leominster, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Or-Genix Therapeutics
Holden, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Pages 2 Remember
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Parker House Designs
Alton, NH
Erin Sweeney Design
Photos For Your Life
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Alvin Rabushka
Stanford, CA
Erin Sweeney Design
Raison d’etre Travel
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Raphael LLC
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Redefined Designs
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Dr. Myra Reed
Panama City Beach, FL
Erin Sweeney Design
Reilly Tree and Landscape Company
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Remedy 180 Center
Pawtucket, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Ribeiro Enterprises
Norton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Riel Auto Body
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
R.J. Sickles Associates
Westport, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Rock n Roll Music Company
Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Rojette Silver Restoration
Franklin, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Ryan Faenza Carey
Walpole, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Salvage Marine Network
Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Salon Dierfur
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Senior Service Network of Boston South
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Shelter Harbor Conservation Society
Westerly, RI
Erin Sweeney Design
Shoo, Geese! Border Patrol
Easton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Single Carrot Theater Company
Baltimore, MD
Erin Sweeney Design
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Sole Priority
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Stage and Design, LLC
Billerica, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Susan Finn Online
Easton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Sweet William
Abington, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Taste and Tales
Springfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Tasty’s Bagels Cold Treats & More
Plainville, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Ten Point Construction
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
The Captured Garden
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
The Cozy Book Blog
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
The Law Office of Weiner Jackson and Simmons
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Thermalin, Inc.
Cleveland, OH
Erin Sweeney Design
Trade Print and Promo Outsourcing Services
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Unite for North
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
VGC Companies
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Vintage Graphic Solutions
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Patti Wagner-Miller
North Attleboro, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Women’s Business Network of Boston South
Mansfield, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
Woodland Critters Wildlife Rehabilitation
Norton, MA
Erin Sweeney Design
X-Biotix Therapeutics
Boston, MA
Erin Sweeney Design