Your domain name is your online identity. Choose wisely. Before purchasing a domain name for your business, there are 10 steps you need to take.

Step 1: Make Sure It’s Easy to Type

Avoid using slang such as “u” instead of “you”, or using words that have multiple spellings. This could make it hard for customers to find you.

Step 2: Keep It Short

Long domain names could cause customers to mistype or misspell the name.

Step 3: Use Keywords

Use words that people would enter when searching for your products or services to increase your search engine optimization.

Step 4: Target Your Area

Consider including your city or state in your name if your business is local.

Step 5: Avoid Numbers and Hyphens

Using numbers or hyphens can be confusing. If it’s absolutely necessary for you to include either one in your domain name, consider purchasing variations of the domain name to make it easier for visitors to find you.

Step 6: Be Memorable

With so many websites out there, it’s hard to stand out. Consider something catchy to really make an impression!

Step 7: Research It First

Avoid a legal mess and make sure the name isn’t already trademarked, copyrighted, or being used.

Step 8: Use an Appropriate Domain Name Extension

Make sure your extension is right for your business. Not sure what extension to choose? Check out “Do You Suffer From Extension Confusion?

Step 9: Protect Your Brand

Purchasing various domain extensions and misspelled versions of your domain name is a sure-fire way to protect your brand by preventing competitors from registering other versions. It also ensures visitors find you even if they misspell your name.

Step 10: Don’t Wait!

If you have an idea for a domain name, don’t wait to buy it. If it’s available, you’ll want to purchase it ASAP. Domain names sell quickly, so don’t lose your chance to own the one that you want.

Source: Go Daddy