7 Time-Management Tips for a More Productive You
Time management and productivity go hand in hand. Many women who work from home find it very difficult to be productive when the day ahead is loaded with tasks, both at work and at home. Want to be more productive? Learn how best to manage your time. Below are 7 tips you can start doing today to be on your way to a more productive you.
Tip #1: Establish Boundaries
Achieving a work-life balance can be difficult. One way to create a balance is to establish boundaries. If you’re working from home, it can be especially difficult to establish boundaries over your time and work space. Begin by creating a dedicated area in your home that is yours. If you’re children are old enough to understand, make it clear the area is yours and they are to respect it as your workspace (e.g. no toys). If your children are too young to understand, just make sure important business papers and materials are kept out of their reach.
Tip #2: Compartmentalize Your Time
Schedule both family and business responsibilities daily, making sure it’s a realistic schedule you can stick to. For example, though it’s easy when working from home to stop and throw in a load or two of laundry, don’t do it during work time. When playing with the kids, be fully in the moment. Let work calls go to voicemail when you’re at the park. Wearing one hat a time is the best way to stay focused and productive.
Tip #3: Time Blocking is Key
Tip #4: Wake Up Early
Tip #5: Prioritize Daily Goals
Tip #6: Minimize Distractions
Tip #7: Set a Countdown Timer
For those working on multiple projects at once, a great way to stay focused and productive is to use a countdown timer. Once you’ve decided on your top priorities for the day, determine how much time you need to spend on each to be your most productive. Then set a timer as you begin to work on a project. Using a timer is the best way to stay focused, and it will alert you when it’s time move on to the next project. “When I use countdown timers, my pace speeds up because I want to beat the clock. The timer also brings me back from being immersed in creative flow in between client sessions.” – Sherlyn Pang Luedtke, mompreneur founder of Present Parent Training