Facebook Posting Tips for Business Page Owners

You made the move to online marketing and activated a business page on Facebook. Now what? Outside of optimizing the page with information and making it visually interesting, what else is important? Utilizing your wall through smart posting. How do you post to encourage page fans to engage with your page, and therefore spread the word? Below are 5 Top Facebook Tips that you should be practicing.

Facebook Tip #1: Don’t Sell

Do not preach or sell to your fans. I know it may be instinctual for many to want to sell their business services. As a small business owner, we’re our own megaphone. If we’re not talking about ourselves, who is? But it can turn others off. Instead engage your fans by offering special deals in a post (promotes the business and gives fans a deal!), discuss a current event, offer an inspirational quote, etc. Also, a good way to sell yourself through a post without being too pushy is to tie it to something on your site. Your fan is both engaged AND on your website. It’s a win-win.

Facebook Tip #2: Post Often

Many Facebook business page owners wonder how often they should post. Most experts agree 3-5 times per day is optimal. That may seem excessive, but if you develop a content calendar (a schedule that serves as a roadmap of posting options such as photos, questions, blogs, promos, etc.), it can be done. Set aside 5 minutes a few times daily (set a timer on your phone to remind you) to log on and post. The more your message appears on other Facebook walls, the better!

Facebook Tip #3: Have a Call To Action

In other words, don’t make a statement. Ask a question. Tell people to click the Like button. Ask for comments on your post. Tell them to watch a video you’ve posted or direct them to your website and request feedback.

Facebook Tip #4: Highlight Your Business

What you do is great. You’re talented. You have a lot to offer. You enjoy your business and want to keep doing it so you need to promote your services to gain more customers. So, yes, it’s ok to highlight yourself now and then. A good rule of thumb: If you are posting 5 times per week, make 4 of the posts helpful or fun information for your fans and allow 1 to be a self-promotion post. Remember, self-promotion is good when in limited amounts.

Facebook Tip #5: Make It Fun!

With 850 million people on Facebook (and climbing), there is a heck of a lot of posting going on. Most Facebook users are only on sporadically each day. Make their time online enjoyable. If most of your fans are clients, offer free tips and advice that they can use. Post entertaining information, pictures, video, links. Make your fans look forward to a new post from your business!

Remember, Facebook is all about conversation. For business owners, it’s an extension of your brand and another opportunity to market your business to an audience. Put your personality into your wall posts and consider these tips when posting on your page. You’ll find you’ll gain a lot more Friends along the way. Good luck!